Sunday, April 27, 2008

Intrapreneurship everywhere

Wherever we find innovation in large organizations we find intrapreneurs making it happen. Every innovation, large or small, requires some courage, some vision, and a willingness to take charge and make it happen. The tireless persistence and practical imagination of the intrapreneur are essential to the success of any new idea.

Even the little everyday innovations that keep a company responsive to customers begin with a vision of how to serve customers better or more cost-effectively. They grow out of a small dream and require significant initiative and courage to carry through. Even the most minor innovation thus represents a small intrapreneurial act.

Intrapreneurs naturally arise because they are passionate about making some idea a commercial reality. But though intrapreneuring is almost everywhere, so are management practices that make it more difficult. In this book, we will show how to radically increase the rate of innovation—without increasing the financial resources devoted to it. We will show how to bring out, focus, and guide the organization’s intrapreneurial energy without frustrating its intrapreneurs.

Source: by Gifford Pinchot and Ron Pellman (Intrapreneuring in Action: A Handbook for Business Innovation)

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